7.1.5 TAM Data Guide


TAM Data Guide

This subsection highlights the importance of effective data and information systems in supporting Transportation Asset Management (TAM) programs. It introduces the NCHRP Report 956 and AASHTO TAM Data Guide, which offer a structured approach for assessing current TAM data practices, identifying improvements, and planning implementation strategies. The guidance includes practical tips, supporting materials, templates, and real-world implementation examples to help transportation agencies enhance their TAM data management.


Transportation agencies are facing increasing pressure to make more effective use of data and information systems to support their TAM programs. Addressing this need, NCHRP Project 08-115 produced NCHRP Report 956, a Guidebook for Data and Information Systems for Transportation Asset Management. AASHTO hosts web-based versions of the guidebook and tools, where subsequent implementation guidance and DOT implementation experiences have also been shared.

Built upon a data life-cycle framework which addresses five distinct stages in the use of data for TAM, the NCHRP Report 956 and associated AASHTO TAM Data Guide provide a structured approach for transportation agencies to:

  • Assess current TAM data and information system practices and establish a desired state.
  • Identify and evaluate data and information system-related improvements.
  • Secure agency support for improvements and plan an implementation strategy.

Figure 7.4 Stages in the Use of Data for TAM

This guidance is supplemented with valuable support materials, including:

  • Practical implementation tips to support the TAM data and information system assessment, improvement selection and evaluation, and action planning processes.
  • Supporting materials and templates (such as assessment scoping guidance, stakeholder engagement and facilitation materials, and assessment summary and action planning templates).
  • User guidance, quick reference materials, and tutorial videos to guide tool use and application.
  • Research implementation examples based on four real-world implementations of the guidance at the New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Virginia DOTs.

Other Related Methodologies

For those exclusively focused on better understanding and improving how they manage their TAM data, NCHRP Project 20-44(12) was completed in 2022, providing improved tools, supplemental guidance, materials, and detailed case studies on implementation of the NCHRP Report 814 Data Self-Assessment Guidance. The outcomes of this project included detailed agency-specific assessment experiences, including several applications of the data management maturity and data value assessment frameworks in TAM-specific contexts.

New Hampshire DOT

The New Hampshire DOT (NHDOT) was interested in improving data and information systems to enable better alignment between bridge preservation decision-making approaches with those used for bridge rehabilitation and replacement. This TAM Data Assessment was conducted in anticipation of advancements in data and modeling detail and better integration of bridge asset management and bridge design systems and models. At the time of the assessment, a new bridge management system was being implemented, presenting a unique opportunity to advance data and information system practices.

*Note: This practice example was derived from NCHRP Final Research Implementation Report 1076: A Guide to Incorporating Maintenance Costs into a Transportation Asset Management Plan. More TAM Data Assessment research implementation examples are available at: https://www.tamdataguide.com/research-implementation-examples/

New Mexico DOT

New Mexico DOT (NMDOT) had recently implemented a new data-driven methodology to prioritize proposed capital projects. The agency wanted to use the TAM Data Assessment to identify data and information system improvements to advance and sustain District implementation of the new approach and prioritization outcomes.

*Note: This practice example was derived from NCHRP Final Research Implementation Report 08-115: Guidebook for Data and Information Systems for Transportation Asset Management. More TAM Data Assessment research implementation examples are available at: https://www.tamdataguide.com/research-implementation-examples/

Virginia DOT

This TAM Data Assessment examined the Virginia DOT maintenance management system to identify how current functionality could be expanded to support broader asset management of roadside assets.

*Note: This practice example was derived from NCHRP Final Research Implementation Report 08-115: Guidebook for Data and Information Systems for Transportation Asset Management. More TAM Data Assessment research implementation examples are available at: https://www.tamdataguide.com/research-implementation-examples/

Virginia DOT

Virginia DOT (VDOT) has a long standing and high functioning Pavement Management program. This program is organized around a well-established pavement management system (PMS) and pavement maintenance scheduling system (PMSS). These systems are used by Central Office and District staff to forecast pavement conditions, allocate resources, and plan targeted preventative, corrective, and restorative maintenance projects. Although VDOT staff were confident in their program, they were motivated to identify if further improvement would be possible through data and/or system improvements.

*Note: This practice example was derived from NCHRP Final Research Implementation Report 08-115: Guidebook for Data and Information Systems for Transportation Asset Management. More TAM Data Assessment research implementation examples are available at: https://www.tamdataguide.com/research-implementation-examples/