3.4.2 TAM Workforce Management


TAM Workforce Management

This subsection underscores the significance of collaboration, communication, and performance management in Transportation Asset Management (TAM) workforce success. It advocates for fostering a collaborative culture, establishing effective internal communication channels, and implementing performance management practices aligned with TAM goals to ensure a competent and motivated workforce for the sustainable implementation of TAM programs.

Collaboration and Communication

Interdepartmental collaboration is a key ingredient of TAM success. A good approach to TAM workforce management is to promote a collaborative culture by facilitating interaction and knowledge-sharing between different departments and teams involved in TAM. Section 3.2.1 Internal Coordination of this guide is a good resource for increasing collaboration.

Developing strong internal communication channels to ensure that all team members are informed and engaged with the organization's goals and strategies builds a stronger workforce. TAM Guide Section 3.2.3 Communications is a good resource for TAM communication.

Performance Management and Evaluation

A key element of TAM is performance management. Applying this to workforce management is important to having happy human resources. Setting clear, measurable objectives for workforce performance aligned with your agency’s TAM goals will yield better results.

It is important to have regular evaluations of your staff’s performance to provide feedback, identify areas for improvement, and recognize achievements.


Managing the TAM workforce effectively is vital for the successful implementation and sustainability of transportation asset management programs. By focusing on skills development, recruitment, retention, and leveraging technology, TAM organizations can ensure they have a competent and motivated workforce capable of meeting current and future challenges.