2.6.1 Understanding Equity


Understanding Equity

This subsection explores the concept of equity in transportation, emphasizing its diverse applications, particularly in relation to environmental justice for low-income and minority populations. It clarifies distinctions between equality, equity, and justice, highlighting their interrelated yet distinct roles in fostering fairness and social balance within transportation systems.

In transportation, the notion of equity in the broad sense has been applied to encompass a diverse range of populations. In certain instances, it signifies environmental justice, often relating to low-income and minority populations. It is crucial to discern the distinctions between equality, equity, and justice. These concepts are interrelated terms that pertain to distinct notions within the realm of fairness and social equilibrium.

  • Equality: centers around the idea of treating everyone the same, regardless of their circumstances or needs.
  • Equity: recognizes that different individuals or groups have different needs, and it involves distributing resources and opportunities to ensure fairness.
  • Justice: encompasses a broader notion of fairness and addresses deeper structural issues. It involves rectifying historical injustices and ensuring that systems, laws, and policies are designed to treat all individuals and groups fairly and equitably.