19 Transportation Economic Trends 2017

Transportation Economic Trends 2017

Year Published: 2017

Publisher: U.S. Department of Transportation: Bureau of Transportation Statistics

External Link: https://www.bts.gov/sites/bts.dot.gov/files/docs/browse-statistical-products-and-data/bts-publications/215901/transportation-economic-trends-2017.pdf

Chapter 1 introduces the Transportation Services Index, a monthly summary of freight and passenger movement. - Chapter 2 explains what transportation contributes to the American economy. - Chapter 3 examines the costs that households and businesses pay for transportation. - Chapter 4 analyzes transportation-related employment. - Chapter 5 explains and examines trends in transportation productivity. - Chapter 6 analyzes household spending on transportation goods and services. - Chapter 7 examines government transportation spending and revenue. - Chapter 8 discusses transportation assets and infrastructure.