FS – Caltrans State Highway Management Plan

State Highway System Management Plan / Caltrans

Caltrans uses its State Highway System Management Plan (SHSMP) to align investments with strategic priorities. The SHSMP serves as the asset management plan for state-owned assets, including four primary asset classes and 8 supplementary asset classes. Planned funding in the SHSMP is divided by 33 objectives organized into five objective areas: Safety, Primary Asset, Supplementary Assets, System Resiliency, and Other Assets & Objectives. Each of the objectives is tagged to a strategic goal defined in the Caltrans Strategic Plan.

The SHSMP includes an unconstrained needs assessment identifying the funding necessary to achieve performance targets and a fiscally constrained investment plan allocating funding across the 33 objectives. For each objective, the investment plan summarizes the percentage of the performance gap that is expected to be funded . The SHSMP communicates to Californians how transportation investment decisions are made, and how those dollars affect progress towards performance priorities.

Caltrans Strategic Plan 2020-2024

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