PE 2. Carver County, Minnesota

Carver County, Minnesota / Carver County Public Works

Carver County, located in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area, is responsible for managing a variety of transportation assets, including rural and urban roads, intersections, lighting, railroad crossings, and pedestrian crossings. Carver County Public Works captured these assets in a 2021 Transportation Asset Management Plan which uses asset value to communicate the scope and condition of the system.

For each asset, Carver County calculates a replacement value (unit costs * units) and a current value (replacement value – depreciation) using the cost perspective. Due to varying levels of resources and data available for each asset, there are multiple ways that depreciation is calculated, including age-based and condition-based approaches. Some assets use compliance with standards and guidelines (e.g. ADA) as a proxy for condition, which in turn is used to calculate depreciation.

The asset replacement and current values help communicate the state of the county’s asset inventory to the public and provide a financial account of the publicly owned assets.

Source: Carver County Public Works Division. Transportation Asset Management Plan: Carver County. Carver County Public Works Division, 2021.

Read more in the chapter: 5.5.2 Using Asset Value to Support TAM Decisions