01 Washington State DOT Gray Book

Gray Notebook: Quarterly Performance Report / Washington State DOT

Washington State DOT (WSDOT) uses asset value-related performance measures for pavement assets to support responsible management of those assets as they deteriorate or depreciate. The WSDOT Gray Notebook, a quarterly performance report of the agency’s assets, includes several long-term measures for pavement assets, including Asset Sustainability Ratio (ASR), Remaining Service Life (RSL), and Deferred Preservation Liability (backlog).

ASR measures the agency’s investments in pavement against the lost value due to depreciation. RSL is a measure of remaining useful life before rehabilitation or replacement is needed due to deterioration. Backlog is the cost incurred due to delayed rehabilitation work. The agency sets targets and monitors trends for these measures, using them to communicate fiscal responsibility and allowing for improved asset management decision-making. In the 2021 Gray Notebook, for example, the RSL target is met, but the ASR fell short of the target, indicating that pavement investment was outpaced by deterioration in that year.

Source: Gray Notebook: Pavement Conditions & Performance. 2021. Washington State DOT. https://wsdot.wa.gov/about/data/gray-notebook/gnbhome/preservation/pavement/conditionperformance.htm

Read more in the chapter: 5.5.1 Asset Valuation Framework