– Using Computerized Management Systems to Optimize Life Cycle Management

Using Computerized Management Systems to Optimize Life Cycle Management / Minnesota DOT

In its 2019 Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP), MnDOT went beyond the scope of pavements and bridges as mandated by 23 CFR Part 515, addressing a comprehensive range of assets, including culverts, deep stormwater tunnels, overhead sign structures, high-mast light tower structures, noise walls, traffic signals, lighting, pedestrian infrastructure, buildings, and intelligent transportation system (ITS) components. MnDOT established expert work groups for each asset class to assess data availability, risks, mitigation strategies, measures, targets, and investment strategies. The Transportation Asset Management System (TAMS) was developed to manage asset inventory, condition data, and capture maintenance resources. TAMS integrates asset data, historical expenditures, and decision trees for culvert maintenance, facilitating life-cycle analysis, maintenance demand estimates, and performance evaluation. While traffic signals and ITS assets are being analyzed within TAMS, building management and sidewalk data are stored in separate databases.

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