7.4 Perform a TAM Data Value Assessment


Perform a TAM Data Value Assessment

NCHRP Report 956 provides tools and guidance for transportation agencies wishing to assess and improve how they use data and information systems to support their transportation asset management programs. This guidance is also available in a web format in the AASHTO TAM Guide, which provides a six-step approach to assess current practices and improve use of data and information for TAM.

  1. Selecting a Focus

    Establish a specific scope for the TAM data assessment, following the NCHRP Report 956 guidance to address the known needs and priorities of the agency and sponsoring business or technical area. TAM Data assessments are typically focused on improving a specific asset program or data area. Undertaking an assessment of multiple data areas without narrowing the focus to an individual asset program is not recommended – achieving meaningful results will be impractical at best.

  2. Assessment Planning

    Organize a kickoff meeting to share context, prepare participants for upcoming assessment activities and establish an assessment schedule. Meetings should be kept to a maximum of 90 minutes with 1 meeting per week to allow for preparation and avoid participant fatigue.

  3. Benchmarking and Improvement Selection

    Working with the AASHTO TAM Guide and support TAM Data Assessment Tool, work through the assessment framework to benchmark current and desired performance and identify potential improvements. Coordinate schedules and communicate focus areas prior to individual benchmarking meetings and capture group consensus and supporting notes during the discussion.

  4. Improvement Evaluation (Optional Step)

    If desired, support improvement action planning by evaluating priority improvement actions for implementing challenges and improvement impact and effort, capturing group consensus and supporting notes.

  5. Summarizing and Communicating Results

    After completing the benchmarking, improvement identification and optional improvement evaluation processes, work with the project sponsor and core team to engage executive management and/or other key stakeholders and decision-makers to garner support for implementation priorities and next steps. Prepare summary materials utilizing the guide, supporting tools, and provided presentation templates.

  6. Implementation and Implementation Resources

    As needed, refer to the NCHRP Report 956, AASHTO TAM Data Guide, and supporting case studies, implementation examples, organizational practices and challenges guidance to overcome organizational roadblocks and other barriers or resistance faced during planning and execution of targeted improvement actions.