7.4 Evaluate Return on Investment for BIM


Evaluate Return on Investment for BIM

CRP Special Release 4: Lifecycle BIM for Infrastructure: A Business Case for Project Delivery and Asset Management provides a framework for calculating the return on investment for adopting BIM.

The BIM ROI Workbook and User Guide are intended to help transportation agencies understand the business case for investing in BIM. Agencies can perform two-levels of analysis using this tool: 1) Default Analysis – a quick ROI analysis based on rule-of-thumb data; or 2) Detailed Analysis – an in-depth ROI analysis specific to the agency's context and including all quantifiable benefits and costs identified in the study.

There is a three-step process required to utilize the tool:

  1. Start

    Download the BIM ROI Workbook and Guidance and use it to fill out User Inputs. Update default values for Staffing, Benefits, Costs, and parameters data as desired for agency specific analysis.

  2. Results Summary

    Review the Results Summary and/or ROI Results Detailed sheets for key summary metrics and total discounted benefits of BIM adoption. Iterate as necessary to ensure meaningful results for your agency and context.

  3. Summarize and Communicate Results

    Utilize the results to develop and support engagement of executive management or other decision-makers to make the business case for BIM adoption. Consider use of other guidance and tools by the CRP Special Release (such as the BIM Maturity Assessment) provided to enhance messaging and planning of next steps.