3. Building a Stronger TAM Organization


Building a Stronger TAM Organization

Having a strong workforce to own and carry out your agency’s TAM program is key to your success. Workforce challenges are being felt across all transportation agencies. These needs range from finding staff with the needed technical knowledge to just filling vacant positions. The following steps will help you with addressing these needs.

  1. Work with Your Partners

    Approach your workforce and organizational needs as a system that includes your partners who help you deliver TAM in your region. Your goal is to have people stay in the TAM system and continue to build their knowledge.

  2. Organize Your Workforce for Success

    The most successful agencies have the deepest bench. Recruit as far and wide as possible from potential partners. At a minimum involve the consultants; federal, state, and local agencies; and educational institutions.

  3. Focus on Fundamentals

    Transportation agencies historically train workers to the specific trade skills of their jobs. Successful TAM involves good judgement across a wide range of topics. Provide your workforce with a fundamental understanding of these topics.

  4. Communicate the Value of TAM Careers

    Use the communication material you have for TAM to target it for future employees. Making the case that TAM has an important impact to your agency, region, and state makes a difference in how your current and future team members value their jobs.

  5. Work with Universities, Colleges, and High Schools

    Maintain a good pipeline of future workers with your education providers. Work with them to help build curriculum that will better prepare the student for their future work. Create exercises that connects students to your work so your current team could meet future teammates.

  6. Start with Proven Strategies

    Existing programs and products provide the fastest way to tackle local transportation workforce development gaps. It is highly likely that a training and education solution already exists and can be replicated.

  7. Keep Your Focus and Make it Sustainable

    Keeping your TAM organization strong will not be a short-term undertaking. Stay focused on the mission, maintain the commitment, and work with partners to sustain the effort.