Definitions and Key Terms
It is important to establish key terms that are used throughout the Guide. While many of these terms have multiple or nuanced definitions, the definitions listed here are the assumed meanings used in the context of this Guide.
Activities that are undertaken to prevent or address defects or usage effects that, if carried out, help ensure the asset …
The desired performance established for an asset in terms of a measure that can be used to track the effectiveness of main…
Maintenance Level of Service (MLOS) is a framework used by transportation agencies to systematically assess and manage the…
A role in guiding an organization that focuses on the impact of change in practice, maintaining alignment, and preventing …
FHWA-established measures to assess performance/condition in carrying out performance-based Federal-aid highway programs.<…
Indicators that track progress toward goals and objectives. Used to establish targets
and assess progress toward ach…
Multiple-Objective Decision Analysis (MODA)
A structured approach to decision-making incorporating formal consideration of multiple, potentially competing objectives.…
Congressionally established goals or program purpose to focus the Federal-aid highway program into specific areas of perfo…