Operations and Routine Maintenance

Guide Home / 6. Monitoring and Adjustment / 6.6 Incorporating Maintenance Costs into a TAMP / 6.6.1 Categorizing and Tracking Maintenance Activities and Costs

Operations and Routine Maintenance

TAM Webinar #59 - Incorporating Maintenance Costs Into a TAMP

Operational and routine maintenance activities may restore or sustain the functionality of an asset, but they do not change measured asset conditions (e.g., road patrol, mowing, and snow and ice control). These activities do not typically have a direct impact on an asset’s service life. Therefore, these are activities that are not generally considered in lifecycle planning (LCP) analysis. An absence of routine maintenance may increase the likelihood of some risks, as the performance of these tasks is typically assumed as part of the highway design process (Allen, et. al. 2023).