6.1.3 Making Effective Targets – Tips for Success


Making Effective Targets - Tips for Success

Useful suggestions for determining the effectiveness of your performance targets can be found in NCHRP Reports 1035 (Guide to Effective Methods for Setting Transportation Performance Targets) and 993 (Managing Performance to Enhance Decision-Making: Making Targets Matter).

Consider short-term targets as checkpoints to determine progress towards long-term targets. This will help inform near-term programming decisions that can influence the ability to reach long-term goals.

Capitalize on the target-setting process by leveraging the discussions to focus attention on factors having the greatest impact on performance.

Engage partner agencies, such as MPOs and local agencies, in the target-setting process to build a sense of shared responsibility in the transportation network.

Initiate productive discussions on shifting trends if forecasts indicate performance is expected to worsen.

Use measures and targets that are meaningful to stakeholders to keep them engaged in the target-setting process.

Facilitate mid-point conversations to determine any needed adjustments to targets or planned investments.

Embrace target setting as a way to continually improve the transportation network rather than a finite goal to be achieved.

Seek honest feedback on the target-setting process and incorporate that feedback into process improvements.