6.1.1 Characteristics of Strong Performance Measures for Managing the Condition of Ancillary Assets


Characteristics of Strong Performance Measures for Managing the Condition of Ancillary Assets

In September 2018 a peer exchange was held in Nashville, TN, for maintenance personnel under NCHRP 20-44(05). A total of 45 practitioners representing 27 state DOTs, industry, and the Transportation Research Board (TRB) participated in the peer exchange. Based on the information discussed during the meeting, successful performance measures for managing infrastructure assets other than pavements and bridges should have most of the following characteristics.

They should be linked to agency policy objectives.

As discussed in Chapter 4, they should be linked to the management approach selected for that asset.

They should provide meaningful information that helps drive maintenance decisions related to investment priorities.

They should link budgets and performance.

They should clearly convey changes in impacts due to differing funding levels and investment strategies.

They should link program decisions to project outcomes.

They should be measured consistently, collected economically, and updated regularly.

They should be part of an agency’s routine business processes and supported by management systems or other analysis tools.

They should provide managers with information needed to understand problems and suggest solutions.