2.2.5 Identifying and Assessing Risks


Identifying and Assessing Risks

Identify and assess risks:

Begin by identifying the potential hazards that could impact transportation assets, such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, or cyberattacks. Assess the likelihood and severity of these hazards, considering factors like historical data, climate projections, and regional vulnerabilities.

Evaluate asset vulnerability:

Analyze the vulnerability of transportation assets to identified hazards. Consider factors such as asset location, design, materials, age, and condition. Identify critical assets that are essential for maintaining network connectivity and supporting emergency response.

Develop resilience goals and objectives:

Develop resilience goals and objectives: Establish clear goals and objectives for enhancing resilience, such as minimizing asset damage, reducing recovery time, and maintaining critical services during disruptions. These goals should align with the overall objectives of the TAMP and the broader transportation system.

Incorporate resilience strategies:

Integrate resilience strategies into the TAMP's asset management framework. This may include:

  1. Preventive measures: Implement measures to reduce the likelihood of asset damage, such as elevating structures, strengthening foundations, or installing protective barriers.
  2. Mitigation measures: Plan for quick and effective response to disruptions, such as pre-positioning emergency supplies, establishing communication protocols, and training personnel for disaster response.
  3. Adaptive measures: Consider long-term adjustments to asset design and management practices to accommodate changing climate conditions and hazard risks.

Monitor and evaluate resilience performance:

Establish metrics to track the effectiveness of resilience strategies and assess progress towards resilience goals. Regularly monitor and evaluate the performance of these strategies and make adjustments as needed.

Continuous improvement:

Incorporate lessons learned from past events and ongoing monitoring into the TAMP, continuously improving resilience planning and implementation.