1.4.1 Using TAM Gap Analysis Results to Advance Practices


Using TAM Gap Analysis Results to Advance Practices

The results from the TAM gap analysis can help identify gaps between current and desired performance, but the greatest benefit may come from using the results to advance agency practices. Asset Management leaders can use this checklist to identify strategies for addressing any gaps that are discovered.

Did the analysis identify gaps related to:

Policy Goals and Objectives? Consider:

  • Developing strategies to better link agency goals with performance data.
  • Using asset management data to set infrastructure performance goals.
  • Monitoring performance towards goals more regularly.
  • Establishing an asset management policy.
  • Using asset management analysis tools to convey the consequences of investment options.

Asset Management Practices? Consider:

  • Developing strategies that ensure asset management decisions are driving investment decisions.
  • Defining roles and responsibilities for asset managers that are endorsed by leadership.
  • Creating a decision framework that considers risk, long-term investments, and trade-offs.
  • Establishing a link to upper management through an Asset Management Steering Committee.
  • Adding additional assets to your TAMP.

Planning, Programming and Project Delivery? Consider:

  • Aligning the planned TAMP investments with long-range plans and other planning documents.
  • Relating available resources and project costs to expected levels of service or performance.
  • Reviewing existing performance measures to verify they drive desired behavior.
  • Monitoring and regular reporting of progress towards desired performance.
  • Establishing a feedback loop to ensure consistency between plans and programs.

Data Management? Consider:

  • Aligning data capabilities with intended asset management approaches.
  • Establishing a tiering system to prioritize data investments and practices for ancillary assets.
  • Developing processes to ensure data quality.
  • Establishing a data governance plan.
  • Formalizing data stewardship roles and responsibilities.

Information Systems? Consider:

  • Aligning information system capabilities with intended asset management approaches.
  • Reviewing the current capabilities of existing management systems and prioritizing needed enhancements.
  • Improving the reliability of performance models to predict future conditions under different scenarios.
  • Using analysis tools to support performance-based decision making.
  • Establishing processes for keeping management system data current.
  • Verifying the assumptions for treatment performance in the management systems reflects actual performance trends.

Transparency and Outreach? Consider:

  • Establishing processes to improve accountability for performance.
  • Benchmarking agency practices with peer organizations.
  • Developing a communication plan to ensure consistent messaging to internal and external stakeholders.
  • Including a representative from the Public Information Office on the Asset Management Steering Committee.

Results? Consider:

  • Working with the FHWA Division office to address Federal TAMP requirements.
  • Documenting progress towards national goal areas and/or agency strategic objectives more effectively.
  • Evaluating the alignment between planned investments in the TAMP with programmed projects.
  • Enhancing the degree of coordination with federal, regional and local agencies.

Workforce Capacity and Development? Consider:

  • Defining core competencies needed for the successful implementation of asset management.
  • Developing a training plan for acquiring needed skills.
  • Creating a TAM Book Club to familiarize new employees with asset management concepts. Consider using the TAM Guide as a resource and framework for these discussions.
  • Participating in technology transfer events to benefit from peer experiences.