Aligning the TAM Organizational Model with Agency Priorities
The choice of a TAM organization model should align with and support agency policies and priorities. Agencies that have priorities focused on activities that are located in the planning unit (such as economic development, increasing funding, or sustainability) may choose to house TAM in planning. A greater focus on safety and rebuilding infrastructure may lead to locating TAM in engineering. Agencies that prioritize preservation and operations may choose maintenance and operations for the TAM location. Table 3.1 Organizational Models describes how the home for TAM would work in different parts of the agency.
TAM is not effective unless it is integrated with existing processes. Established agency roles in planning, programming, and delivery can support this integration.
Table 3.1 TAM Organizational Models
Considerations in making the choice on the home for TAM.
The location of TAM in your agency can evolve over time based on your needs and agency priorities.