3. Adapting the Organizational Structure to Support TAM


Adapting the Organizational Structure to Support TAM

Creating an organization that supports asset management requires significant transformation in transportation agencies, necessitating strong leadership and commitment from the start. The following are steps an organization can follow to make the transformation to support TAM.

  1. Get Leadership Support

    Leadership greatly shapes an organization's culture and actions. By setting a clear direction, leaders can align decisions, from major to minor, with the organization's strategy to meet business objectives. This includes making investment decisions that reflect an asset management approach.

  2. Conduct a TAM Gap Assessment Using the TAM Gap Analysis Tool to Identify Needed Changes

    The TAM Gap Assessment evaluates the organization's current asset management maturity and suggests ways the agency can improve practice. Its goals are to unify agency perspectives on asset management status, recognize strengths and weaknesses, and identify pressing priorities. This forms the basis for the agency’s asset management improvement strategy and the changes that are needed.

  3. Organize the Needed Changes

    Use the list of the changes suggested by the gap assessment to determine the ease of implementation and the priority based on the impact it can make. This will make it easier to identify the actions that your agency wants to take to strengthen your organization to support TAM.

  4. Consider the Leadership and Culture Needs

    Leadership is an important ingredient in impacting an organization's culture and actions, guiding all levels of decision-making to align with business goals, including those that shape the asset management strategy.

    Key points on leadership's role in asset management culture are:

    • Top management must exemplify a commitment to asset management, fostering an agency-wide culture dedicated to this approach.
    • Leadership should permeate all levels, ensuring asset management activities support a unified strategy.
    • A culture of asset management encourages organization-wide coordination for long-term network management, aligning team and individual activities with collective goals.
    • It's vital to avoid mixed signals, misunderstandings, or a lack of teamwork within an asset management culture.
    • Effective leadership depends on understanding asset management's core issues and advantages, which asset management professionals should communicate clearly and accessibly.

  5. Identify a Champion

    In the initial phase of creating a TAM organization, a champion is often essential. This individual, driven by interest and possessing the necessary influence, advocates for the required organizational shifts. Whether appointed by upper management or rising organically from the engaged teams, a champion is focused on pursuing the successful completion of the mission.

  6. Define TAM Roles

    Understanding what roles and responsibilities are most important for your TAM program is key to getting your agency ready and aligned to achieve TAM-related goals.

  7. Define Capability Building Requirements

    Senior leaders need to pinpoint the skills needed for effective asset management implementation. If these skills are missing internally, options include staff training, hiring new talent, mentoring, or partnering with external bodies. It's crucial for your agency to ensure its asset management team is knowledgeable enough to make informed decisions.